The movie came out in 1963, is about World War II and stars Steve McQueen as the head of a group of American soldiers trapped in a German POW camp. 这部1963年上映的电影讲的是二战期间,囚禁在德国战俘营内的一队美国士兵在史蒂夫•迈奎因扮演的男主角带领下如何逃离的故事。
A New Textual Criticism on the Historical Facts of Shenyang Anglo-American POW Camp 关于沈阳英美盟军战俘营之史实再考订
The Krauts built their rocket site right in the middle of a POW camp so our guys wouldn't go dropping explosives on it, right? 德国佬把他们的火箭基地设在集中营的正中央,所以我们的人不能投下***,对吧?
Three British officers form a bond as they flee a POW camp at the beginning of World War II. 第二次世界大战初,三个英国军官逃出战俘营并定下契约。
Anzio is the cheapest POW camp in europe. 安济奥是欧洲最廉价的战俘营。
The enemy hasinstalled a small ammunitions depot close to the pow camp. 战俘营的旁边有一个小弹药库。
To Excavate Historical and Cultural Resources for Construction of Aggressive Sectors of Historical and Cultural Industry& A Brief Study of Historical and Cultural Resources of Japanese POW Camp in Shenyang 发掘历史文化资源构建文化产业集群&开发二战日军沈阳战俘营遗址的历史文化资源的研究